The Highest Quality Nicotine Pouches

Guaranteed shipping to Canada, or your money back!

  • We Ship to Canada

    Why We Ship From The USA

    Due to current Health Canada regulations, we are prohibited from selling nicotine pouches within Canada. Fortunately, we are still allowed to sell pouches on our US website and ship nicotine pouches into Canada via our US distribution facility as long as the pouches contain 4mg of nicotine or less.

  • The Highest Quality Nicotine Pouches from Europe

    Our Selection of High Quality Pouches

    We know that there are plenty of nicotine pouch brands to select from these days, but many of the newer brands from the USA use synthetic nicotine and fall short on quality and taste. That's why we only carry the very best pouches made with the highest quality nicotine from the very best brands in Europe.

  • Grant Ice Cool Nicotine Pouches

    Higher Strength Options

    Looking for a pouch with more nicotine? We highly recommend Grant Ice Cool as this pouch offers a more intense burn and cerebral kick than any other 4mg pouch on the market. Many of our customers who prefer higher strength pouches have been impressed by the enhanced effect that Grant Ice Cool provides.

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Your order will usually be delivered to your door within 5-7 business days. The 1, 2 or 3 days quoted by DHL on our checkout page doesn't account for the time required for the shipment to clear customs which is usually 3-4 business days.


We will charge you the GST/HST at the time you place your order and submit these taxes to DHL so that you don't have to pay DHL the import taxes prior to customs clearance. We will also pay your brokerage and customs clearance fees for you at a reduced rate and include them in our shipping fees. 


To ensure that you don't have to complete a power of attorney form in order for DHL to clear your shipment through customs for you, we have made special arrangements with DHL so that by placing an order on our site, you will be agreeing to let DHL clear the package for you. 


All of the Tobacco-Free Nicotine Pouches shipped to Canada contain a maximum of 4mg of nicotine per dose (HS Tariff Code 2404.91.0090), This nicotine content is within the Health Canada approved limit for the importation of oral nicotine replacement therapy products (as defined by the requirements of the Canadian Food and Drug Act and Natural Products Act) and these nicotine pouches were developed specifically for the Canadian market. They are also duty-free under the Canadian European Trade Agreement (CETA) given that the origin of these products is within Europe and that the products do not contain any tobacco. If CBSA erroneously applies tobacco duties to your shipment (which are not supposed to be applied to tobacco-free nicotine pouches), please contact us immediately so that we can resolve the issue on your behalf.


We have spent many months learning the ins and outs of shipping nicotine pouches from the USA into Canada and this experience has allowed us to acquire and offer the fastest shipping at a great price. As a company with Canadian roots but now operating as a LLC in the USA for Health Canada compliance purposes, our sole mission is to ensure a no-hassle purchasing experience for our Canadian customers and so we’ll always be there for you when you need us. By supporting us, you are supporting Canadians that have your best interests in mind, and not a foreign company that doesn’t understand the nuances of importing nicotine pouches into Canada or care if they have to re-ship your order time and time again before it finally arrives in your hands. We strive to get it right the first time, because we know it matters to you!